Collective Names for Animals

  1. APE shrewdness of apes 2. ASS herd/pace of asses 3. BABOON troop of baboons 4. BADGER cete of badgers 5. BEAR sloth of bears 6. BEE swarm/drift/hive/erst of bees 7. BIRD flock/flight/pod of birds 8. BUFFALO herd/gang/obstinacy of buffalo 9. BULLFINCH bellowing of bullfinches 10. BULLOCK drove of bullocks 11. CATERPILLAR army of caterpillars 12. CAT clowder/glaring of cats 13. CATTLE herd/drove of cattle 14. CHICKEN brood/clutch/peep...

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Why Knowledge of Food and Nutrition is Important for You

An important factor that will determine your quality of life is your knowledge of nutrition and the quality of food that you eat. If you want to live a healthy life avoiding frequent visits to the doctor’s clinic, you must be inquisitive about the effects of food on your body. This knowledge doesn’t cost you much. In today’s world it is possible to gather this knowledge from the internet and a few good books on diet and...

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The KYC Fiasco

Value Research’s Dhirendra Kumar has written a very interesting article on the harassment common people, who often have a few thousand rupees in their bank accounts or mutual fund folios, have to face when they are asked to go through the repetitive process of obtaining KYC compliance. As part of ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) principle, the RBI has issued several guidelines relating to identification of depositors and advised the banks to...

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Gandhi and his Professor

The following anecdote tells us how a young man of indomitable courage and strength of character and conviction was already revealing, in his own way, that in the future he would lead a whole nation in its fight for self-rule. When Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was studying law at the University College of London, there was a professor whose last name was Peters. Mr Peters did not like Gandhi and since the future father of a nation never lowered...

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Aruni was a famous Rishi of the Panchala. He was the great grandson of Rishi Upabeshi and the son of Rishi Aruna. He was a disciple of Rishi Ayodha Dhaumya and the teacher (guru) of Maharshi Yagnabalkya. His sons, Svetaketu and  Nachiketa, are famous in the Upanishads. Aruni’s philosophic views can be found in the Sixth Chapter of the Chandogya Upanishad. He established the theory of Atmadvaita while explaining the famous Upanishadic...

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